MUP Departments
- Department of Asian Studies
- Department of Financial Management
- Department of Foreign Languages
- Department of International Business
- Department of International Relations and European Studies (EN)
- Department of International Relations and European Studies (CZ)
- Department of Legal Specialisations and Public Administration
- Department of Media Studies
- Department of Political Science and Anglophone Studies
- Department of Tourism
- MUP Administrative Bodies
- Official Board
- Foreign Partners
- Open Positions
Department of International Business
- Prof. Ing. Josef Šíma, Ph.D.
- Head of DepartmentEducation & Work Experience
- University of Economics, Prague, Ph.D. (Economic Policy)
- University of Economics, Prague, doc./prof. (Economics)
- Visiting professor at George Mason University (US), Chaminade University (US), University of Richmond (US), University of Angers (France), Romanian American University (Romania)
Involvement in Other Institutions
- since 2016 Doctoral Board member, Applied Economics and Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Economic Studies, Purkyně University, Ústí nad Labem
- 2009-2021 President, CEVRO Institute
- 2006–2009 Chair, Department of Institutional Economics, University of Economics, Prague
- economic policy, comparative political economy, Austrian School
Major Publications and Projects
- ŠÍMA, Josef. Free-trade, stable money and market reforms by top-down design Misesian “desperado policy” as daily routine”. In: Sielska A. (ed.). Transition Economies in Central and Eastern Europe. Austrian Perspectives, Routledge, 2024.
- ŠÍMA, Josef. Dynamic Efficiency in the Process of Desocialization. In Bagus, Philipp & Howden, David. The Emergence of a Tradition: Essays in Honor of Jesús Huerta de Soto. Palgrave, 2022. vol. I.
- ŠÍMA, Josef. Austrian School identity and unavoidable trade-offs in its long-term progress. Advances in Austrian Economics. 2019, roč. 24, s. 67-78, 12 s.
- GAČR 402/07/0137 „Efficiency of Theory Selection and of Economic Policy Conduct in the Dynamic Model of Entrepreneurial Margins“ (Project Director)
more on www.josefsima.net
- doc. Ing. Helena Fialová, CSc.
Education & Work Experience
- Associate professor - University of Economics in Prague, Economics of the International Business
Involvement in Other Institutions
- Hochschule fuer Wirtschafts und Sozialwissenschaften, St. Gallen (Switzerland) - one year of study
- Lectures at Engineering and Management Institute, Flint, Michigan (USA), courses: Principles of Macroeconomics, Comparative Economic Systems (one semester)
- Pomona College, Claremont, Kalifornie, USA
- Scripps College, Claremont, Kalifornie, USA
- Chaminade University of Honolulu, Havajské ostrovy, USA
- The University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Havajské ostrovy, USA
- DePaul University of Chicago, Business School, Illinois, USA
- Arizona State University, Phoenix, Arizona, USA
- Kettering University, Fling, Michigan, USA
- Hochschule fuer Wirtschafts und Sozialwissenschaften, St. Gallen, Švýcarsko
- Nippon Institute of Technology, Miyashiro-Machi, Saitama-Ken, Japonsko
- Brunel School of Business and Management, Brunel University, Middlesex, Velká Británie
- Microeconomics, Macroeconomics
- Business cycle
- International Trade
Major Publications and Projects
- Fiala, J.; Starý, O.; Holasová, A.; Mejzlíková, T.; Fialová, M.; Bemš, J. Value Perception in the Ultimatum Game: A Blinded Randomized Trial. Ekonomický časopis, r. 64, č. 6 (2016), s. 519 – 538. Autorský podíl 10%
- RNDr. Martin Hála, CSc.
Education & Work Experience
- Master programme - Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University Prague - RNDr.
- Post graduate programme- Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University Prague - CSc.
Involvement in Other Institutions
- University of New York in Prague
- Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University
- Commercial Bank (Komerční banka) - insurance mathematics
- probability and statistics
Major Publications and Projects
- Project TAČR CK03000156: Využití matematických metod pro optimalizaci výpočetních postupů pro stanovení kapacity turbo okružních křižovatek / 2022-2024
- Hála, M., Flek, V., Mysíkova, M. Labor Market Outcomes of Unemployed Czech and Polish Workers: Catching-Up with Austria? EASTERN EUROPEAN ECONOMICS (2024) DOI10.1080/00128775.2023.2278808
- Hála, M., Flek, V., Mysíkova, M. The ins and outs of Central European unemployment BALTIC JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS (2022) DOI10.1080/1406099X.2022.2083306
- Hála, M., Flek, V., Mysíkova, M. The Older Unemployed Worker's Conundrum in the Czech Republic and Slovakia: Find a Job or Leave the Labour Market? EKONOMICKY CASOPIS (2020)
- Hála, M., Flek, V., Mysíkova, M Unemployment and Age-based Labor Market Segmentation POLITICKA EKONOMIE (2018) DOI10.18267/j.polek.1227
- Ing. Jaroslav Halík, MBA, Ph.D.
Education & Work Experience
- PhD. - University of Economics and Business in Prague, International Business
- MBA - RIT Rochester New York, USA
- MSc. - Norweigian School of Management, Oslo
- Ing. - University of Economics and Business in Prague, International Business
Guest lectures at universities abroad:
- Brunel University, Buckinghamshire, GB
- Nijenrode School of Business, Breukelen, Holland
- Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester NY, USA
- Staffordshire University, Staffordshire, GB
- HHL Graduate School of Management, Leipzig, Germany
- Moscow Metropolitan Governance University, Moscow, Russia
- Shandong University of Finance and Economics, Shandong, China
Involvement in Other Institutions
- University of Economics and Business in Prague, International Business Department
- Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic, Board of Members
- American International Group, Business Development Manager for the Czech Republic
- Gewista Werbegesellschaft mbH, Sales Director for the Czech Republic
- Private consultant in international business, management, and marketing
- International Busines
- International Management
- International Marketing
Major Publications and Projects
- SATO, Alexej, HALÍK, Jaroslav, HINČICA, Vít. International Business Operations. 2nd ed. Prague: Oeconomica Publishing House, 2023. ISBN 978-80-245-2482-5.
- HALÍK, Jaroslav, et al. International Management Development and Its Current Problems. Applying Interdisciplinarity to Globalization, Management, Marketing, and Accountancy Science. Hershey: IGI Global, 2023, ISBN 9781799886693.
- HALÍK, Jaroslav. Market Entry Strategy - The Lessons from Central and Eastern Europe. Ostrava: Key Publishing, 2017, ISBN 978-80-7418-288-4
- Ing. Philip Katz, B.A.
Education & Work Experience
- Master's degree in Regional Studies and International Business, Metropolitan University Prague
- Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration, Temple University, Pennsylvania, USA
- English language and Academic skills teacher at UJOP (Univerzita Karlova)
- Personal banking and retirement investment specialist with Santander bank
- Cambridge exam preparation
Major Publications and Projects
- Katz, P (2022). Anti-American Political Cartoons as Propaganda Published in Rudé Právo in 1951. Communication Today, 2022, Vol. 13, No. 2
- Hayat, A & Katz, P (2019). Investigating the Presence of a Nonlinear Exchange Rate Pass-Through: A Markov Switching Model Approach. Journal of Advances in Economics and Finance, 2019, Vol. 4, Issue. 1, p. 29-37
- Ing. Martin Lukavec, Ph.D.
Education & Work Experience
- University of Economics, Prague - Ph.D. (2019)
- Czech Technical University - Ing (2006)
Involvement in Other Institutions
- London School of Business and Finance – online teaching for partner universities, most notably for University of Law, University of Wolverhampton, International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, University of Wales
- Edology – online teaching and preparation of lectures and studying materials for partner universities, most notably Brunel University London
- University of Economics, Prague
- Areas of his research include inequality in cities, property prices and economic implications of urban planning. His expertise consists of theoretical economics, statistics and quantitative analysis
Major Publications and Projects
- Lukavec, M., & Kolařík, P. (2019). Residential property disparities in city districts in Prague, Czech Republic. European Planning Studies, 27(1), 201-217
- Lukavec, M., & Kadeřábková, B. (2017). How much does a minute of commuting cost? An examination of property prices in relation to distance the the city center in Prague, Czech Republic, Civil Enginering Journal- Stavebni Obzor, 4, 555-567
- Jilek, P., Silovska, H. Č., Kolařík, P., & Lukavec, M. (2018). Selection of quantitative and qualitative methods for comprehensive evaluation of PPP projects focusing on the Czech Republic. Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, 14(54), 38-54.
- Lukavec, M. (2015). The Cost of Zoning Restrictions: Property Prices in Europe. In Nyjkamp, P.,Kourtit, K., Bucek M., Hudec, O. (Eds.). (October, 2014) Cers 2014:5th Central European Conference in Regional Science Conference Proceedings (pp. 509 – 518).
- Ing. Lea Melnikovová, Ph.D.
Education & Work Experience
- Master/Post gradual studies at University of Economics in Prague, Czech Republic
Involvement in Other Institutions
- University of Economics in Prague, Department of International Business (2005-2007)
- Economic development of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)
- Business environment and ethics of CIS countries
- Economic integration processes in the post-Soviet territory
Major Publications and Projects
- Němečková, T., Hayat, A., Melnikovová, L. (2024). Does It Matter for Africa with Whom It Trades? Estimations of the Impacts of Africa’s Trade with the EU and China on Corruption. The Journal of the Middle East and Africa, 15(1): 73–90. https://doi.org/10.1080/21520844.2024.2311611.
- BRAUN, M. R., GROMILOVA, A., MELNIKOVOVÁ, L. (2023). Understanding Economic Integration in the Eurasian Economic Union – the Relevance of Integration Theories. Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 32(1): 66-79. https://doi.org/10.1080/14782804.2023.2193877.
- NĚMEČKOVÁ, T., MELNIKOVOVÁ, L., PISKUNOVA, N. (2021). Russia’s Return to Africa: A study of Egypt, Algeria and Morocco. Journal of Modern African Studies, 59(3): 367-390. Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0022278X21000070.
- MELNIKOVOVÁ, L. (2020). China’s Interests in Central Asian Economies. Human Affairs, 30(2): 239–252. https://doi.org/10.1515/humaff-2020-0022.
- MELNIKOVOVÁ, L., VORONIN, S. (2019). Recent Reforms in the Customs System of the Republic of Uzbekistan: Regulating Imports. In JINDŘICHOVSKÁ, I. and DEHNING, B. (Eds.). Global Rules and Local Use – Beyond the Numbers. Praha: Metropolitan University Prague Press and Anglo-American University. ISBN 978-80-87956-96-0.
- 2021–2023: Exportní a investiční příležitosti České republiky ve Střední Asii v návaznosti na měnící se tranzitní a infrastrukturní podmínky regionu. Projekt TITSMPO939. Poskytovatel veřejné podpory: Technologická agentura ČR. Hlavní řešitel.
- 2021–2023: Integrace v Euroasijské ekonomické unii optikou post-funkcionalismu. Projekt GA21-14665S. Poskytovatel veřejné podpory: Grantová agentura ČR. Spoluřešitel.
- Ing. Petr Musil, Ph.D.
- doc. Ing. Tereza Němečková, Ph.D.
Education & Work Experience
- Associate Professor of International Economic Relations – Prague University of Business and Economics, Czech Republic
- Ph.D. in European Studies – Prague University of Business and Economics, Czech Republic
- M.A. (Ing.) in International Politics and Diplomacy - Prague University of Business and Economics, Czech Republic
- B.A. (Bc.) in International Business - Prague University of Business and Economics, Czech Republic
- Visiting Professor at the École de Gouvernance et d’Economie in Rabat (Morocco), Saint Mary’s University in Halifax (Canada), Politécnico Grancolombiano Bogota (Colombia)
- Award by the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco in Prague for enhancement of mutual Czech-Moroccan relations (2017)
Involvement in Other Institutions
- Membership in Association for the Study of Middle East and Africa (USA), European Economic Association, African Studies Association (USA)
- Guest lectures at Prague University of Economics and Business in Prague, Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague, Palacký University in Olomouc and Charles University in Prague
- Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs – external evaluator of Czech development cooperation projects/programmes
- Development economics with a special focus on Africa and its economic development
- Development cooperation with a special focus on the EU and the Czech Republic
- Europe-Africa relations with a special focus on trade, development and green transition
Major Publications and Projects
- Please see ORCID, Google Scholar, Publons
- NĚMEČKOVÁ, T., MALZI, J. (2024) Unveiling Moroccan Perspectives on the EU-Morocco Green Partnership: Assessing its Potential for a Sustainable Future for Morocco. Environmental Politics, https://doi.org/10.1080/09644016.2024.2333226
- NĚMEČKOVÁ, T., VARKOČKOVÁ, M. (2024) Turkish Airlines: Facilitating Türkiye's Soft Power in Africa. Canadian Journal of African Studies. https://doi.org/10.1080/00083968.2024.2353605
- NĚMEČKOVÁ, T., HAYAT, A. (2023) Services Trade and Institutional Quality: Evidence from Africa. Applied Economics, 55:59, 6978-6996 doi.org/10.1080/00036846.2023.2206621
- NĚMEČKOVÁ, T. (2021) Digital transformation of Africa: on track to be connected to the global digital economy? In KASANDA, A., HRUBEC, M. Africa in a multilateral world: Afripolitan Dilemmas. Londýn: Routledge. ISBN 9781032033891 https://www.routledge.com/Africa-in-a-Multilateral-World-Afropolitan-Dilemmas/Kasanda-Hrubec/p/book/9781032033891
- NĚMEČKOVÁ, T., MELNIKOVOVÁ, L., PISKUNOVA, N. (2021). Russia’s Return to Africa: A study of Egypt, Algeria and Morocco. The Journal of Modern African Studies, 59(3): 367-390. Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0022278X21000070.
- NĚMEČKOVÁ, T., HARMÁČEK, J., SCHLOSSAREK, M. (2020). Measuring the Middle Class in Africa – Income versus Assets Approach. Africa Spectrum, 55(1). Sage Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1177/0002039720916087.
- NOVOTNÝ, J., HORKÝ-HLUCHÁŇ, O., NĚMEČKOVÁ, T., FEŘTROVÁ, M., JUNGWIERTOVÁ, L. (2021). Why do theories matter? The Czech scholarship programme for students from developing countries examined through different theoretical lenses. International Journal of Educational Development, 80(1). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijedudev.2020.102307
- Ing. Pavel Peterka, Ph.D.
- Shahab Sharfaei, Ph.D.
Education & Work Experience
- University of Wollongong – Bachelor of commerce (Bc.) 2009
- University of Wollongong – Master of international business (Ing.) 2013
- Multimedia Universty – Management (Ph.D.) 2023
- University of Economics and Business, PhD, Economics, 2024
- University of New York in Prague
- labour markets, international business, technological adoption and their impacts on the economy
- Sharfaei, S., & Bittner, J. (2024). Technological employment: Evidence from worldwide robot adoption. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 209, 123742. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techfore.2024.123742
- Sharfaei, S. (2024). Robots and Employment: A Review. International Labour Review, 163(2), 271-293
- Hudik, M., Sharfaei, S. (2023). From Power to Market: The Transformation of Central and Eastern Europe and the Theories of Institutional Change". Taylor and Francis.
- doc. Ing. Zuzana Brixiová Schwidrowski, Ph.D.
- VŠE in Praze – Finance and Accounting (Ing.) 1988
- University of Minnesota – Economics (Ph.D.) 1996
- VSB – Technical University Ostrava – Economics (doc.) 2019
- 2021 – 2024: Director, UNECA North Africa Office, Rabat, Morocco
- 2015 – 2018: VP and senrior analyst, sovereing risk group, Moody’s Investors Service, London, UK
- 2009 – 2015: Principal Research Economist/Advisor to Chief Economist and VP, African
- 2008 – 2009: Senior economist/head of Czech and Estonia Unit, OECD Economics Department, Paris, France
- 1996 – 2007: Economist/Reesident Representative/Senior Economist, IMF, Washington DC, USA, Belarus, Lithuania
- Development economics, entrepreneurship, international finance
- Upgrade of DRCs sovereign credit rating: One step forward, after one step back. (2023) Brookings Institution. United States of America. (with A. Ordu)
- ‘Assessing gender gaps in employment and earnings in Africa: The case of Eswatini’, (2021) Development Southern Africa, 38 (4), 643-663 (with S. Imai, T. Kangoye, N. D. Yameogo)
- ‘Access to Finance and Employment Growth in SMEs in Sub-Saharan Africa’, (2020) Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 55, 177 - 189 (with T. Kangoye and T. U. Yogo
- ‘Enterprising Women in Southern Africa: When Does Land Ownership Matter?’ (2020) Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 41(1), 37-51 (with T. Kangoye and F. Tregenna)
- GA22-31909S (2022 – 2024), Gender differences in start-ups, innovation and inclusive growth in developing and emerging market countries
- GA19-25280S (2019 – 2021), Determinants and impacts of technological knowledge in transition and developing economies
- Mgr. Ing. Dominik Stroukal, Ph.D.
Education & Work Experience
- University of Economics in Prague, Ph.D. (Economic Theory, 2017)
- Charles University in Prague, Mgr. (Media Studies, 2013)
- University of Economics in Prague, Ing. (Economic Analysis, 2012)
- 2022–present The Government's National Economic Council
- 2018–2022 Chief Economist of financial institutions (Roklen, Banka CREDITAS, Roger)
- 2016–2022 Assistant Professor and Head of the Department of Economics at CEVRO Institute University
- 2013–2018 Assistant Professor at VŠFS in Prague
- Business cycle, financial markets, monetary systems, media economics
- Stroukal, D. (2021). Ekonomické bubliny, 2nd edition. Praha: Grada.
- Stroukal, D., & Skalický, J. (2021). Bitcoin a další kryptopeníze budoucnosti, 3rd edition. Praha: Grada.
- Stroukal, D. (2019). Dark Web: Sex, drogy a bitcoiny. Praha: Grada.
- Stroukal, D., & Šťastný, D. (2015). Czeching Oswald's Puzzle: Evidence for the Homeownership-Unemployment Nexus in the Czech Republic. Transformation in Business & Economics, 14(3 (36)), 173–186.
- Brožová, D., & Stroukal, D. (2015). Teorie preferencí a kariéra žen na českém trhu práce. Politická ekonomie: teorie modelování, aplikace, vol. 63, no. 2.
- Konečný, M., & Stroukal, D. (2015). Does Housing Market impair Employment in the Czech Republic? Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis, 8(3), stránky 318–334.
- Žofková, M., & Stroukal, D. (2014). Odhad mzdové srážky za mateřství v České republice. Politická ekonomie: teorie modelování, aplikace, vol. 62, no. 5, stránky 683-700.
- více na www.stroukal.cz
- Ing. Martina Šípková, MBA, Ph.D.
Education & Work Experience
- Associate professor, University of Economics in Prague
- Research Assistant, KDI School of Public Policy and Management, South Korea
- MBA Lecturer, KDI School of Public Policy and Management, South Korea
Involvement in Other Institutions
- University of Economics in Prague
- KDI School of Public Policy and Management, South Korea
- Impact of culture on international business (with focus on South Korea and East Asia)
- Intercultural communication
- Business negotations
- International management
- World economy
- European economic integration
Major Publications and Projects
- Sipkova, Martina, Choi, Tae-Hee. Business Ethics Perceptions in the Czech Republic during Global Economic Crisis. Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies. MCSER Publishing. Rome – Italy. Vol 4/1 S1, March 2015, p. 115 – 128, ISSN 2281-3993.
- Sipkova, Martina, Choi, Tae-Hee. Differences in Ethical Perceptions of SME and Large Companies. Journal on Law, Economy & Management. STS Science Center Ltd. London, Vol. 3/ 2013, p. 28-40, ISSN 2048-4186
- Sipkova, Martina, Choi, Tae-Hee. Business ethics in the Czech Republic [online]. Seoul: KDI School of Public Policy and Management, 2011. 40 s. URL: http://www.kdischool.ac.kr/new/data/WP2011-02.pdf. Working paper.
- Vondruskva, Barbora, HITZGEROVÁ, Vlasta, ŠÍPKOVÁ, Martina, KIM, Jyieon. V4 Countries and the Republic pf Korea – New Partnership for the New Millennium. The grant programme of the Centre of European Studies of the University of Economics, Prague in cooperation with Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung. Praha: CES VŠE, 2007. 85 s.
- Hitzgerova, Vlasta, VONDRUŠKOVÁ, Barbora, ŠÍPKOVÁ, Martina, JYIEON, Kim. Foreign trade within the Visegrad group. Bratislava 16.11.2007. In: ŠKORVAGOVÁ, Simona (ed.). MERKÚR 2007. Výsledky vedeckej práce mladých vedeckých pracovníkov. Bratislava: Ekonomická univerzita, 2007, s. 226–233. ISBN 978-80-225-2290-8.
- Sipkova, Martina. Some reflections on the impact of globalisation on Korean business environment reform following 1997 IMF crisis. Prague 18.06.2007. In: STEINMETZOVÁ, Dana (ed.). Effective Responses to Globalisation: EU and Beyond. Praha: Nakladatelství Oeconomica, 2007, s. 129–140. ISBN 978-80-245-1255-6. Round Table „Europe on the Move”.
- ŠÍPKOVÁ, Martina. Influence of Cultural Specifics on Business Negotiations and Management Style in Korean Republic. Nové Zámky Duben, 2005. In: 8.č. Sborníku Mezinárodní vědecká konference EDAMBA. Ekonomická univerzita Bratislava. Nové Zámky: Nakladatetství CRANIUM, 2005, s. 353 – 358. ISBN 8O-225-2O66-7
Research activities
- „The evolution of business ethics in Japan, China and Korea over the last decade“, KDI School, South Korea, 7/2014 – 6/2015
- „Differences in Ethical Perceptions of SME and LBE“,KDI School, South Korea, 1/2011-12/2011
- „Business Ethics and Financial Reporting Quality“, KDI School, South Korea, 3/ 2010 – 9/ 2010
- „Corporate Governance, Ethical Commitment, Implied Cost of Equity Capital, and Firm Valuation: Evidence of Korean Stock Market“, KDI School, South Korea, 9/2009 – 10/2010
- „COC Mongolia: Implied Cost of Equity Capital and Growth Rate: Evidence in the Mongolian Stock Market“, KDI School, South Korea, 12/2008 – 6/ 2009
- „Business Ethics, Firm Valuation and Implied Cost of Capital“, applied to the Korean Republic, KDI School, South Korea, 2/2008-12/2008
- „Estimated Growth Rate and Implied Cost of Capital: An Evidence from Korean Stock Market“, KDI School, South Korea, 10/2007 – 3/2008
- „V4 Countries and the Republic of Korea – New Partnership for the New Millennium“, grantový projekt GRACES, Centrum evropských studií VŠE, Praha, ve spolupráci s nadací Konráda Adenauera; 2007
- Ing. Jan Berka
- Ing. Matěj Dostál, Ph.D.
- Dan Ravick Fiala, MBA
- doc. Mgr. Ing. Pavol Minárik, Ph.D.
- Vincent Montenero, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Lukáš Perutka, Ph.D.
- Ing. Milan Postler, Ph.D.
- Ing. Monika Smělá
- Ing. Mgr. Vojtěch Zíka, Ph.D.
- Ing. Alžběta Zíková, Ph.D.
- Ing. Jakub Žofčák, Ph.D.
The Department of International Business aims to provide high-quality education in the area of international trade and business. Its curriculum also underscores the importance of understanding the basic issues in macroeconomics (international trade) and microeconomics (international business).
The Department of International Business offers a Bachelor’s Degree programme in International Business (taught in both English and Czech) and a Master’s Degree programme in Regional Studies and International Business (taught in both English and Czech). The Bachelor’s Degree programme trains students in both the theoretical subjects (i.e. Economics, Mathematics, Statistics, Law, World Economic Systems) and the ore practically oriented subjects (i.e. International Marketing, International Management, Market Analysis, International Finance). The Master’s Degree programme further improves students’ theoretical knowledge and analytical skills and emphasises the differences in regional development within the global economy, with special regard to developing and other emerging countries.
Bachelor's Degree
Master's Degree
Regional Studies and International Business
Research Centre
E-mail: ib@mup.cz
Office: Strašnice Building