25/10/2021 - Chinese Politics in the Regional and Global Context

Department of Asian Studies at Metropolitan University Prague organises a roundtable on Chinese Politics in the Regional and Global Context. The roundtable focuses on Chinese politics in the domestic, regional, and global context. Besides examining new ideas, projects and practices of Chinese politics, participats are also going discuss how to address these issues in a methodological sense.
WHEN: 25 October 2021, 10:30–15:00
VENUE: MUP Prague-Strašnice building, Dubečská 900/10, room 305
Working language: English
Alica Kizeková (Institute of International Relations, Prague)
Rudolf Fürst (Institute of International Relations, Prague)
Runya Qiaoan (Palacký University Olomouc)
Aleš Karmazin (Metropolitan University Prague)
Start & Welcome – 10:30-10:40
First Panel – 10:45-12:00 (paper presentations) - room 305
- Alica Kizekova (IIR) – Taking stock of Australia’s asymmetrical relations with China: interdependence, tensions and new dimensions
- Rudolf Fürst (IIR) – China in Central and Eastern Europe and the Role Conflict Issue
Lunch Break – 12:00-13:00 - room 205
Second Panel – 13:00-14:20 (paper presentations) - room 305
- Aleš Karmazin (MUP) – China’s Surveillance-Social Management Assemblage: How and Why the Chinese Government Controls Its Population
- Runya Qiaoan (UPOL) – Civil Society in China: How Society Speaks to the State
Third Panel – Open Discussion – 14:20-15:00 - room 305