09/04/2019 - Film screening: Vote for Kibera

We would like to invite our students to a film screening depicting life in one of the biggest African slums, in Kenyan Nairobi.
It shows not only tough conditions in a informal settlement, but highlights positive stories of creative people, who are trying to transform the slum and who believe that Kibera is mainly a place with great potential for better future. Film won a people's price at last year's Jihlava documentary film festival. The director is a graduate of FAMU and Asian studies department at MUP Martin Páv. The screening (ENG with Czech subtitles) is free and will be followed by a discussion with the director.
WHEN: Tuesday 9 April 2019, 16:00
WHERE: MUP Prague-Strašnice building, Dubečská 900/10, room 206
Due to limited capacity please register at registration.mup.cz