28/11/2019 - Introduction to EBSCOhost database

Jiří Hájek Specialized Library is inviting students to a "Introduction to EBSCOhost database" training session.
WHEN: 28.11.2019, 17:30-18:30
WHERE: MUP Prague-Strašnice building, PC room 016
INSTRUCTOR: Dušan Krstič
Learn how to make the most out of using the EBSCO database under the guidance of a trained EBSCO database instructor.
Training Session Content:
- EBSCOhost platform
- How to search for information?
- Working with complete texts and referencing
- My EBSCOhost folder
- Automated searching
There will also be room for your questions!
Kindly confirm your attendance at http://registration.mup.cz