28/05/2020 - Introduction to Statista database – online tutorial
The Jiří Hájek Specialised Library offers students online tutorial "Introduction to Statista database".
WHEN: 28 May 2020 at 10:00
LECTURER: Kathrin Schwiderski
Statista is one of the world’s largest statistics and market data platforms with access to more than 1.5 million statistics, forecasts, dossiers, reports and infographics on 80,000 topics from more than 22,500 sources. From the pet rabbit food market value in the UK, to the share of population reading newspapers daily in Norway, to a breakdown of mobile gamers in China. The platform combines economic data, consumer insights, opinion polls and demographic trends.
Tutorial will be held in English.
Registration is required – you will receive an e-mail containing the link at 8:00 on the day of the training.
Statista trial is available until 30. 6. 2020. You can easily access it via your Library account.