JAKL, Ladislav a kol. Aktuální otázky práv k duševnímu vlastnictví
1st ed. Prague: Metropolitan University Prague Press, 2016. ISBN 978-80-87956-32-8
The collective monograph, which is presented to the reader, is the result of original collective of creative work, which for the creation of this publication won the Institute of legal protection of intellectual property Metropolitan University Prague. This team, some of whose members have already participated in the creation and publication of the name "New Civil Code and the Intellectual Property" has been extended to other prominent professionals in the field of intellectual property. Do thus extended creative team, in addition to its own staff managed to get excellent specialists from the Faculty of Law of the University of Pavol JozefSafarik in Kosice, Faculty of Law, Palacky University in Olomouc, Faculty of Law, Masaryk University Brno and staff who work in the public sector, such as patent attorneys workers and advocacy.
The present research work output of these specialists continued the research work, the results of which were previously included in the above publication. Compared to the results achieved two years later, after the new Civil Code came into effect from 1 January 2014 to draw on the first theoretical work, experience and discussion carried out after the introduction of the Civil Code. We succeeded in this creative team to create a comprehensive theoretical monograph, which is also based on previously acquired knowledge in practice. Each of the submitted articles is focused on one area of the new Civil Code. In addition to basic issues such as theoretical analysis of the concept of intangible things, which is in the new Civil Code busy with posts dealing with the impact of new regulation on the how it will affect the public sphere, inheriting the intellectual property, area and tenure information concerning the periods and times within the meaning of provisions of the new Civil Code. They are analysed in detail the facts of unfair competition, in comparison with the previous situation under the Commercial Code is no longer valid. In other contributions to analyse the issue of industrial laws and copyright licenses, focusing on the type of the contract, but also on other contracts, which were known as unspecified contracts (innominate). For both theory and practice is also beneficial contribution of valuation of intellectual property and the contribution of changes of selected regulations in connection with the issuance of the new Civil Code.