JAKL, Ladislav et al. Logické postupy při práci s vynálezy, vzory a označeními

2nd ed. Prague: Metropolitan University Prague Press, 2017. ISBN 978-80-87956-46-5
This publication deals with application of formal logic general principles of the work on inventions, discoveries, designs, and indications, so on the field of industrial and other intellectual property. It proposes to create the science basis for easier understanding of logic methods at analysis of valid legal standards in this field and methods, which are applied when the industrial property objects are evaluated, especially of the technical solutions in the terms of possibility of their legal protection. At writing this publication, we started therefore from the tendency to apply the general principles of logic concept and the used logic methods, as is analysis, synthesis, abstraction, generalization, comparison, division and classification, on the methods at work with inventions, discoveries, utility models and industrial designs, trademarks and appellation of origin and geographical indications, and respectively both on the methods during the finishing of research and developmental works and methods in the course of working on sources for theirs legal protection application. The publication also deals with application of logic methods concerning the proceedings of already granted industrial legal protections. The publication contains also the number of examples, which more closely clarify learning, as well as the examples of descriptions of inventions and patent and utility model claims.