JAKL, Ladislav. Národní, mezinárodní a regionální systémy ochrany průmyslového vlastnictví

3rd ed. Prague: Metropolitan University Prague Press, 2017. ISBN 978-80-87956-43-4
This publication deals with national, international and regional systems of of the legal protection of industrial property rights. Introductory parts of the publication engage in evolution of the legal protection of industrial property on the territory of the Czech Republic, in it´s importace for enterprise and international business and in the specification of of the notions of industrial property rights and of the European sytem in this area. A substatntial part part of the publication deals with the legal protection of the particular objevte of the industrial property. On the first position it is a protection of the technical solutions on the level of inventions, utility models and topographies of semiconductor products. Including conditions for their protection, rights for protection, terms of the protection and effects of the protection. Extraordinary consideration deals with licence agreements in the sense of the civil law, which entered into force on January 1, 2014. The publication takes attention as well to protection of the industrial designs, new plant varieties, rationationalisation proposals and know-how. Attention dedicates to legal protection of the signs in the form of their registration in the register of the trademarks and in the register of the designation of the origin and geographical indications, including of thein protection in the framework of the European Union. Self-contained part sof the publication deal with infringing of industrial property rights and their court and other enforcement. Closing part of the publication deals with international systems of the legal protection of industrial property rights, including regional systems.