JIRÁK, Jan; Pavličková, Helena a kol. Média pod lupou: mediální výchova jako téma celoživotního vzdělávání.
1st ed. Prague: Powerprint, 2013. 187 s. ISBN 978-80-87415-70-2
The book Media under the Magnifying Glass. Media Education as a Part of the Lifelong Education is designed as a contribution tothe slowly developing field of media andragogy in the Czech Republic. It is one of the main outputs of the project CZ.1.07/3.1.00/37.0112 called Increasing Media Education in the CR run by Metropolitan University in Prague (and its Department of Media Studies) and by University of South Bohemia (and the Department of Social Science of its Faculty of Education). The book consists of introduction and eight chapters which covers the key thematic areas of media education of adults.
The introduction tries to define the field of media education as a part of lifelong education, and the first chapter deals with the issue of approaches to media history. The chapter Media Times or The Story of the Media offers various approaches to the periodization of communication media based on the history of technology of communications and on the social and cultural history of the media. The media is taken in the broadest sense as all possible means of communication, which „mediate“ information to people and fulfill man's need for communication. In the same time, the notion of media is used in a more restricted way, dealing with the technological means enabling communication.
Following two chapters, Great Media Dinner Party – An Introduction to the Children's and Teenagers' Media Worlds and The Introduction to the Pschology of Czech Media Users and to Traps Waiting for Them on Internet, analyze the context of Intrenet usage – the letter from the psychochological perspective, the former more from the sociological point of view. The psychological approach covers a number of topics starting with specific characteristics of internet communications down to the dangers of mistifications, false identities, etc. The chapter Great Media Dinner Party – An Introduction to the Children's and Teenagers' Media Worlds focuses on the characteristics of young media consumers and their media worlds from the sociological point of view. It shows what media children and teenagers use; it analyses the ways of using media and follows the change of the young generation's media worlds in the last few decades.
The Chapter 4 On Some Consequences of Digitization of Journalistic Storytelling deals with several key biases that transform the nature of contemporary journalism. The attention is payed mainly on possibilities, advanteges and risks hypermedia and new modes of interactivity and collaboration brought to journalistic ways of telling stories. The chapter attempts to identify, conceptualize and on several inspiring examples illustrate the ways how contemporary journalistic digital and hypermedia stories are being told.
The chapter 5 On The Importance of Victory – Relation Between Media, Sport, and Entertainment offers several views at sport promoted by media. First, it defines a general role of sport in culture; then, using an example of the Czech hockey team’s vic-tory at Winter Olympics 1998 in Nagano, Japan, it shows the processes of myth creating that this event has gone through in media. Next, the issue of sport as a type of entertainment is manifested on examples of a documentary as well as several feature films. At the end, the state of research both home and abroad in the field of sport and media has been reflected.
The chapter 6 United Colors of Advertising or On Everpresent Advertising deals with advertising, which represents one of the important conditions of successful functioning of an industrial enterprise, non-governmental organisation or political parties. The attention is focused on forms, goals and means of advertising that are necessary for addressing the target groups. Being familiar with the basic modes of operation employed by advertising helps us to assess its argumentation and to overcome various obstacles arising from the respective segments of the market.