JUST, Petr; BRUNNEROVÁ, Olga; CHARVÁT, Jakub a kol. Dobývání Hradu: česká prezidentská volba 2018
1st ed. Prague: Metropolitan University Prague Press and Togga, 2018. ISBN 978-80-87956-76-2
The key topic of the presented collective monograph is the analysis of the 2018 Czech presidential elections, using various, yet complementary, research perspectives of selected social science disciplines, namely constitutional law, political science and communication studies. The first two chapters of this publication deal with the issue of the direct elections of the President in the Czech Republic in a wider political and constitutional-legal context. The following six chapters of the publication are already conceived as partial case studies analysing the presidential election of January 2018 from different research perspectives, taking into the account the different aspects of electoral problematics. Publication also includes partial case studies focusing on sentiment analysis and content analysis of presidential campaigns on Facebook. The text of the publication concludes with chapters whose ambition is to analyse decision of the people in the connection with the presidential election in 2018, whether in the form of public attitudes and opinions in opinion polls or voters' behaviour in the January election itself.