MACGREGOR PELIKÁNOVÁ, Radka. New Trends in Perceptions and Use of Domain Names - Critical and Comparative Analysis of the Modern Domain Name Universe
1st ed. Prague: KEY Publishing s.r.o. and Metropolitan University Prague Press, 2016. ISBN 978-80-7418-251-8
This monograph is the result of an ambitious, innovative, multi-disciplinary and scientific research project conducted at the Metropolitan University Prague and supported by the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, namely GA ČR No. 13-02203S. It presents an abundance of fresh information about the perception and use of domain names generated by secondary as well as primary sources which were processed critically and comparatively. The pertinent data were obtained and selected via complex investigative and open-minded research activities throughout a number of fields and branches. Their analysis and critical evaluation has been performed with particular attention devoted to the novelty and recent changes in perspectives and attitudes regarding the virtual essence and magnitude and variety of functions and use of domain names, as well as the underlying concepts and the entire domain name governance. In order to work properly, scientifically and legitimately with objectively ascertained and verifiable pieces of information knowledge about virtual and dynamically changing web addresses with many faces and functions, about domain names, the prevailing approach is systematic, empirical and self-reflecting. This, while the inherent nature of the subject matter implies the appropriateness of the use of induction, and a limited employment of deduction and hypothesis.