NOVOTNÝ, Vladimír a kol. Majetek územně samosprávných celků: komplementární pohled vybraných aktuálních problémů soukromého i veřejného práva
1st ed. Prague: Metropolitan University Prague Press, 2017. ISBN 978-80-87956-58-8
Publication deals with wide problematic of economic maintenance of local government, so villages and regions. Due to of wide range of topic is publication focused on actual issues which can make complete the very known informations and opinions on this topic. In individual chapters are analyzed topics from historical to actual and current issues. How actual is this topic? It is show up also how legislator wants to modify terms for economy of local government units.
Publication topic is also comming from theoretical background accented in monograph Klíma, K. a kol. The responsibility of local government, Metropolitan University Prague Press, 2014, mainly in second part.
Opinions, sometimes very strict shown up in this publication are very good base for new ideas of expert law public but also for experts profesionally connected with local government.