Bursaries and Scholarships

Doctoral Bursary

In compliance with the Bursary Code of Metropolitan University Prague, Doctoral Bursaries are granted to students in the full-time form of study in Doctoral Degree study programmes. The Doctoral Bursary may be granted based on the order in which applicants qualified in the admission procedure in the form of a full waiver of tuition fees .

Research, development, and innovations bursaries

In compliance with the Bursary Code of Metropolitan University Prague, students of master and doctoral study programmes may apply for the Research, development, and innovations bursaries within the Internal grant system.

Bursary for Students with Physical Disabilities

In compliance with the Bursary Code of Metropolitan University Prague, applications for a Bursary for Students with Physical Disabilities may be submitted within the School without Barriers programme.

Economic Hardship Bursary and Accommodation Bursary

In compliance with the Bursary Code of Metropolitan University Prague, students may apply for the Economic Hardship Bursary and the Accommodation Bursary. The allocation of the bursaries shall be determined by the amount of the contribution provided to MUP by the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports of the Czech Republic.

Economic Hardship Bursary

Economic hardship bursary claims are governed by Act no. 261/2007 Coll., on Stabilisation of Public Budgets amending Act no. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions and on Modification and Amendment of Other Acts (the Higher Education Act), as amended. Pursuant to the law, economic hardship bursaries are disbursed to students who may claim increased child allowance, provided that the decisive income of the family ascertained for the purpose of the disbursement of child allowance does not exceed the product of the amount of the sustenance level of the family and the coefficient of 1.5. For further information, please contact the relevant office of Czech Social Security Administration.

In order to qualify for the economic hardship bursary, students must submit the Application for Economic Hardship Bursary in the following periods: between 1 October and 31 October for the winter semester of the relevant academic year; and between 1 March to 31 March for the summer semester of the relevant academic year. Applications must be submitted to the Student Services office; applications must include the original of a valid (recent) confirmation of the current child allowance issued upon the student’s request by the relevant office of Czech Social Security Administration, which authorized the claim.

The bursary shall be disbursed for the duration of the standard length of study in the relevant semester of the academic year upon compliance with the legal requirements and requirements stipulated by MUP Bursary Code. The amount of the bursary shall be determined by the amount of the contribution provided to MUP by the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports of the Czech Republic. Students who qualify for the economic hardship bursary shall receive the full amount of the bursary allocated for the whole semester in one lump-sum payment to a bank account administered in CZK in a bank in the Czech Republic.

Accommodation Bursary

Upon complying with all requirements stipulated in MUP Bursary Code, students may qualify for the accommodation bursary, in case they meet the following criteria:

1) they are enrolled as students in the full-time form of study of an accredited study programme;
2) they are enrolled as students in their first accredited study programme or, as the case may be, in the follow-up accredited programme; or transferred from such an accredited study programme into another programme and their previous courses were recognised; however, study in accredited study programmes into which students enrolled and terminated in the period from 1 May to 30 October of the same calendar year shall not be taken into consideration;
3) they have not exceeded the standard length of study in their current accredited study programmes, nor in any other parallel accredited study programme;
4) their place of permanent residence is different than the place of instruction (on the level of non-city districts, i.e. “okres”, in the Czech Republic);
5) their place of permanent residence in not in the city of Prague in case their place of instruction is in the city of Prague.

In order to qualify for the accommodation bursary for the whole academic year, students must submit their Application for Accommodation Bursary in the Student Information System (SIS) by 10 November. Applications for the summer semester only may also be submitted by 31 March.

The bursary shall be disbursed for the duration of the standard length of study in the relevant academic year. The amount of the bursary shall be determined by the amount the contribution provided to MUP by the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports of the Czech Republic. Students who qualify for the accommodation bursary shall receive the full amount of the bursary allocated for the whole semester in one lump-sum payment to a bank account administered in CZK in a bank in the Czech Republic.

form of a full waiver of tuition fees