Certificate in Iberoamerican Studies
The Certificate can be earned by any student enrolled in the Bachelor Study Programme International Relations and Master Study Programme International Relations and European Studies at Metropolitan University Prague (MUP), provided that s/he meets all of the regular criteria for awarding the Bc. / Mgr. academic title.
Further, the student must meet the criteria specified below in order to be eligible for the Certificate award. In order to be obtain the Certificate, the student must meet the following criteria: Courses (#1), Language Preparation (#2), and Academic activity (#3).
a) At the undergraduate level, completion of at least 2 courses focusing explicitly on the U.S. and/or Latin America. Included in these requirements are all the relevant courses taken at the Metropolitan University Prague, as well as all the relevant courses taken during study abroad. These are subject to approval by the Head of the Iberoamerican Center based on a detailed course syllabus. The evaluation obtained in these courses corresponds to a grade of 2/B or higher.
b) At the Master's level, completion of at least 2 courses focusing explicitly on the US and/or Latin America. These requirements may include relevant courses taken at the Metropolitan University Prague as well as relevant courses taken as part of a study abroad program subject to approval by the Head of the Iberoamerican Center based on a detailed course syllabus. The evaluation of obtained in these courses corresponds to a grade of 2/B or higher.
USA a Latinská Amerika (MVES) | Transnational Migration (IRES) |
Political and Security Issues in Latin America (IRES) | Transnacionální migrace (MVES) |
EU and the Non Western Regions (IRES) | The Americas (AS and RSIB) |
US Identity and Politics (IRES) | Course with a relevant territorial theme at a partner university abroad (MVES and IRES) |
Course with a relevant territorial theme at a partner university abroad (MVES and IRES) | Course with a relevant territorial theme at a partner university abroad (MVES and IRES) |
Candidates for the Certificate have at least the following level of proficiency in a foreign language of the territory (Spanish, Portuguese):
- Official DELE, PLE exams;
- Study for at least 4 semesters at MUP;
- Proven knowledge of secondary school studies;
- Completion of at least one semester of study in Spanish/Portuguese at a foreign university as part of a study placement.
To successfully complete the Certificate, students must demonstrate a long-term serious interest in the U.S. and/or Latin America region through successful completion of at least one of the following activities.
- Active, long-term involvement in the Ibero-American Center at MUP;
- Publication of a scholarly article on a relevant topic (Master's students);
- Presentation at a student conference prior to the state examinations. The student must be included in the official conference program, including the title of the presentation.
- Bachelors or Master’s thesis on a topic clearly related to the USA and/or Latin America. The thesis defense received an evaluation of 2 or higher;
- Involvement in an internal MUP grant on a relevant topic (Master's students);
- Active, long-term involvement in the Buddy system for international students from Latin America, Spain or Portugal at MUP;
- A work placement in a relevant country or institution of at least 8 weeks;
- Other appropriate activity demonstrating a long-term interest in Latin American issues (e.g. Summer School, courses taken abroad during Erasmus, etc.);
Students apply for the Certificate by completing a written request containing the documents necessary to verify that the applicant meets all the above mentioned criteria. The request must be submitted to Dr. Kateřina Březinová, Head of the Iberoamerican Centre, for verification at the latest one day before the Final state exam.
Further information:
Head of the Ibero-American Centre at MUP
Mgr. Kateřina Březinová, Ph.D.
aktivní, dlouhodobé zapojení do činnosti Iberoamerického centra MUP;
- publikace odborného článku s relevantní tematikou (studenti magisterského studia);
- prezentace na studentské konferenci;
- kvalifikační práce na relevantní téma;
- zapojení do interního grantu MUP na relevantní téma (studenti magisterského studia);
- aktivní, dlouhodobé zapojení do Buddy systému pro zahraniční studenty z Latinské Ameriky, Španělska či Portugalska na MUP;
- pracovní stáž v relevantní zemi, nebo instituci;
- jiná vhodná aktivita prokazující dlouhodobý zájem o problematiku Latinské Ameriky (například Letní škola, kurzy absolvované v zahraničí během programu Erasmus apod.);