VOJČÍK, Peter. Teorie právní ochrany nehmotných statků
1st ed. Brno, Prague: Václav Klemm and Metropolitan University Prague Press, 2015. ISBN 978-80-87956-39-7
This publication focuses on the main theoretical issues concerning the protection of intellectual property. It explains the essential concepts commonly used in intellectual property law, in particular the concept of intangible property and intangible object. The document outlines the complex system of intangible property law and intellectual property rights. It also examines intangible assets without specific legal protection, but with frequent application in practice, such as know-how, logo as an unregistered sign and domain names. The purpose of the publication is to provide the reader with an overview of the possible connections between intellectual property law and individual branches of the Czech law, including private law, civil law, labour law, as well as public law, and particularly, administrative, tax and criminal law. The author also points to the relations between copyright protection and industrial right protection. One chapter deals with the key issues of contractual law governing intellectual property rights. The final part of the document deals with the issue of legal protection of intellectual property objects. It mainly focuses on judicial protection and the available forms of legal action, as well as the institute of preliminary measures in civil litigations. In the field of industrial property, attention is drawn to administrative justice. Finally, the publication looks into arbitration proceedings and mediation. The publication is intended for those who would like to have a more comprehensive understanding of the legal regulation concerning intellectual property not only in the Czech Republic, but also within the European Union legal framework, and thus rely on better apprehension when it comes to protect one's own rights, or respect the rights of others.